Snippet from the article:
Men are fast catching up women when it comes to worrying about their appearance, according to new research.
A detailed look into the body confidence of 2,000 men and women documented a dramatic rise in appearance-related anxiety for both sexes. Results showed two-thirds of women feel under too much pressure to look good, claiming a rise in ‘perfect-looking’ women in the media has set unrealistic standards.
Men now spend over three hours a week on average stressing over their image and feel the level of expectation placed upon them is rising. In fact, results also showed a rise in men dressing for their body shape, discussing their image with partners. One in eight men is even dieting in secret. Baldness and ‘moobs’ emerged as men’s biggest concerns.
Read the rest — Men stressed about beer bellies, baldness and moobs
The survey revealed that men had the most anxiety about being overweight, followed by yellow teeth, going bald, and growing breasts.
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