
Moisturize African American Hair For Faster Growth

By Dennis Olson

Taking care of locks is essential to the outward confidence of a person. Whether a person wears their tresses curly, straight, or natural, it helps to keep the strands and scalp clean at all times. However, due to common dryness, many people grew up with various myths about maintaining this type of mane. The idea here is neatness and being able to moisturize African American hair for better manageability.

There are many things that can cause a mane to become dry or unmanageable. These factors range from heredity to putting in weaves and wigs but not taking care of the hair underneath. While a person cannot change their genetic makeup or should give up wearing extensions, they can transform their locks.

The best way to bring in new texture is to get rid of the old. This may start with a conditioner that made for dry or damaged hair. In extreme cases, a hot oil treatment may do the job. These are most effective when a pure oil is used, such as olive. Make sure that it is not the light version or something that uses a cheaper oil like canola or vegetable.

While the basics of using a hot oil treatment are very simple, it is important to feel the hair carefully after rinsing and drying. If the texture feels like straw or the ends are drastically different than that of the scalp, a trim is necessary. When ends or strands become this lifeless, they will not respond to conditioning and is difficult to style, so getting rid of it is usually the best solution. A licensed barber or beauty operator can give the best advice or trim for little money.

While a do it yourself attitude is great, making products at home that control extreme dryness requires a small investment. However, it can cost less and than visiting a salon more than once a month. Anyone can go online or read a book about treating a dry mane and experiment with different oils or foods that are dense with nutrients.

These days, people love the natural untamed look but this does not mean that their mane should be neglected. For best styling, uneven or overly dry strands should be trimmed every few weeks. To make the best use of care products, trims or cuts should be done before washing. This way, the product is not wasted and it will make styling easier.

Using petroleum or mineral oil based products is not always recommended for regular use. Some people may use it sparingly on extra dry hair during extreme weather conditions but overall, it helps to use something that does not contain chemicals, like argan oil. While the mane may feel soft to the tough, inexpensive brands seldom have the capability to moisturize each strand, no matter how much is used.

Although it may take time to find the perfect routine, the important thing is to stick with it. If an individual finds that their hair is not growing after a couple of months, it may be wise to visit a dermatologist. They may be able to give insight as to what is occurring or write a prescription for something to stimulate the roots.

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