
No Man Should Ever Be Embarrassed To Get Mens Hair Replacement Systems

By Paul Gray

Sometimes gentlemen are somewhat sheepish about pursuing treatment for baldness. Society tends to label them as somehow unmanly because they spent the time and money on a very expensive vanity. However, this is 2017 and perhaps it is time we stopped teasing them about mens hair replacement systems.

Many women can appreciate how such a thing might be considered a dire necessity since females would likely be tearing a path to the door if they suffered this as men do. For women, no one ever questions the vanities they indulge, even when the expense is born by their male counterpart. Men are stereo-typically expected to bankroll the vanity closet for women, but they get chided about not wanting to look like a giant thumb walking around.

The Nineties brought on the head shave rage, and the world of women, fashion, sports, and pop culture fell in love. Most of the gentlemen who do this start as their hair first begins to recede, so they never contend with watching the widow peak slide. Unfortunately, not all heads have a shape that is pleasing, or even Earthling for that matter.

To this day people laugh at the mere word toupee, and everyone over the age of 30 has a story about someone and their horrible head rat. It were as if the makers of this accessory wished for men to look stupid, and made sure they did. Perhaps it was a woman who came up with the idea of implanting staples so the toupee might not blow off in the wind.

Anyone who has woken in the middle of the night has witnessed spray-old covering for bald spots. This product can still be found in some stores and online, so someone somewhere is using it, sometimes. Because it is a temporary coloring, the kind of sweating men are most noted for causes this product to be quite inconvenient for most guys.

Guys now have Rogaine available before the backward slide, and for those who will pay, follicle transplantation will fix them right up. While the Rogaine has an excellent reputation for preserving the natural hair follicles as long as possible, once male pattern baldness is identified, those follicles are toast. Genetics rules the day, but a man in control of his own money can pretend his hair never moved out.

Funny thing about those bald head shaving guys. They like to wear wigs sometimes, and there are entire inventories of wigs to choose from. Everybody knows the drag queens wig it up, and sometimes women will step out in disguise, but rarely do dudes discuss the fun they have donning a wig to town on a windy day just to feel wind whipping once more.

What gets me is when I see more women than men at a salon getting the very costly follicle transplantation. Very few women suffer the same baldness, so the preponderance of women in such a salon means men need to feel like they can spend on their own personal vanity. They spend on a woman without question, but so few of them seem to believe that they are worth it too.

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